
Operation of preparation, Stripping and extraction of minerals from Hannar Iron Ore Mine (1)
Operation of preparation, Stripping and extraction of minerals from Hannar Iron Ore Mine (1)

Construction and implementation of 6-meter sectional prefabricated concrete New Jersey barriers
Construction and implementation of 6-meter sectional prefabricated concrete New Jersey barriers

Construction of Metal Deck bridge at km 684+116 of section 1 of Isfahan-Shiraz freeway
Construction of Metal Deck bridge at km 684+116 of section 1 of Isfahan-Shiraz freeway

Design, Engineering and Equipment Procurement of the MSC’s Secondary WTP (EP)
Design, Engineering and Equipment Procurement of the MSC’s Secondary Reverse Osmosis WTP (EP)

Construction of Metal Deck Bridge at km 209 of section 3 of Isfahan- Shiraz Freeway
Construction of Metal Deck Bridge at km 209 of section 3 of Isfahan- Shiraz Freeway

Design, Supply, Implementation and Commissioning of Pumping Station and WTL to Zahedan Chehel Kureh Copper Mine
Design, Supply & Installation of Extraction, Storage, Pumping, WT and WT System to Zahedan Chehel Kureh Copper Mine (EPC)